Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 5, 2012

Large fire at a Chinese petrochemical plant

A large fire occurred at the petrochemical plant in Huizhou city, Guangdong province, China. The fire started picking up from one tankviec lam According to preliminary information, there are no casualties.

The school fire
Information is downloaded from the official Xinhua News Agency said China'spetrochemical plants owned by company "Huizhou Xingda". In about 13 hours 30 days 29/5, the flame rises from the roof of a tank in the aromatic liquidviec lam dau khi Toextinguish the fire, fire department personnel from three neighboring towns were mobilized to the scene of firesIn total, the fire involved about 20 fire trucks andrescue vehiclesand more than one hundred employees fire.

By 3 pm the same daythe firefighters had the fire camera quan sat under control, preventing thespread to the next tankThe total volume of the tank is burning three thousand cubic meters. At the time of the fire, the tank is about 900 m3 aromaticsAt this point,according to the Fire Departmentthe fire does not cause damage to peoplebut the possibility of chemical pollution in the region that can not be testedimmediately.

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